Journaling: three months later

I started keeping a journal in November. What has the past 3 months been like in that regard?

  • I pretty much failed in my goal of keeping a DAILY journal. I was able to do so for the first few weeks, but more often than not, I just didn't feel like I had much to write.
  • Although I don't keep a daily journal, I do feel that, when I do write something down, it has a bit more gravity. A bit more meaning. Something to refer to later on, where it might be needed.
  • As mentioned previously, getting these thoughts out of my head, and into text, is liberating.
  • Standard Notes can be a tad buggy, but so far, it's the best open-source note taking service. I could have just used something like org mode, but Emacs? Ew.
  • Even if I don't blog very often, I do like it a bit more than using social media. It's hard to put a thousand words in an Instagram caption (no, the picture doesn't count).
  • It gives me an excuse to use my computer for something other than programming!

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