Journaling: One Week In

At the end of last month, I decided that keeping a daily journal would be something helpful, especially during these times. Overall, here's how it's going so far.

  • I actually haven't kept up with DAILY entries. I skipped over the weekend, mostly because I forgot to log anything. But I've kept going so far.
  • I have so many thoughts racing through my mind these days. It's a relief to get them on paper, and out of my head. Actually makes it easier to sleep at night.
  • Adding to the previous point, getting thoughts on paper really helps sorting out things that may have gone wrong in that day (and likely, at many points before in life), and allows me to reflect on them. I can see how this might be helpful in conjunction with something like CBT.
  • It's a good way to track some goals I've set for myself. Breaking up goals into tasks within the journal really helps simplify things. It also allows me to see the progress I've made on these goals, to stay motivated.
  • It's keeping me less scatter-brained. If there's something I need to remember, it gets written down. Works so far.
  • Standard Notes isn't perfect, but it is very useful for this purpose. I can write entires on my laptop, tablet, iPhone, and any web browser, which makes it easy to write down thoughts as they come up. Also, the developers really do listen to feedback, and try to get back to you as soon as possible. I had discovered an issue with uploading files, and support kept me in the loop throughout the process. In a few days, the bug was fixed!
  • Blogging is a small, small part of this process as well. I don't plan on publishing much, but I hope some of my thoughts will be useful to someone.
  • It's nice to write something that isn't code these days! Although playing around with the blog CSS is kinda fun. It's been quite a while since I've had to work with any form of web development.

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